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Business Card Magnet Printing Service

Business Card Magnet Printing Service


Regular price $0.10 Sale

Magnets are the all-time favorite refrigerator décor. It is not only for aesthetic purposes nowadays but also used to stick important a reminder such as grocery lists and notes. But have you also considered using card magnets to display your business information? A card magnet can be a marketing godsend, just think of how many times your target market might open the refrigerator door in a single day. Aside from this, you can also use it as giveaways, gifts and even calendars.


  • Dimensions: All Custom Sizes & Shapes
  • Coating: 17 pt. Magnet High Gloss (UV)
  • Quantities: Lowest 250 - Highest 500.000


    • Proof: Digital PDF Proof or 3D Mock-up
    • Turn Around Time: 8 To 10 Business Days
    • Shipping: Shipped By Express Air,  Free shipping on eligible orders.
    • Inquiries: In case of any further queries, concerns or a quote, feel free Live Chat, Call or Email Us! 
      After order is placed, confirmation email with order number will be send. Please reply to that email with your design and your order detail!